Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Zao's! Another restaurant... CHECK!

We (Mom, Mason and I) went to dinner at Zao Noodle Bar (I always thought it was called "Zao's" until now, so i'm going to continue calling it Zao's) yesterday with Kelcie and her parents. It was really nice seeing Kelcie since I haven't seen her in so long. I'm really glad she and Mason are still such good friends. They're really cute together, giggling or laughing in Mason's case cuz I don't think he'd appreciate it if I said he giggled... heh). They've been friends for 3-4 year now. Time really flies!

Kelcie & Mason: goofy as always!

I love Zao's! I guess it can best be described as a thai/asian-fusion restaurant. I used to always get their Shanghai Beef & Chicken noodle dish, or one of their big soup bowls, but this time I thought I'd try something new. I got a yellow eggplant curry with chicken and mixed vegetables (I switched out the beef for chicken). So delicious!
Dinner & Dessert (delicious fried banana and coconut ice cream)!

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