Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tommy Toy's dinner

Yesterday, friday night, my parents and I went to Tommy Toy's, Uncle Alon's restaurant, and had dinner with the Yu's and the Chao's! It was so nice of the Yu's to invite us for dinner! Dinner was delicious.
Tommy Toy's is a very nice fusion of French and Chinese cuisine. It's really upscale. They would give us towels between the first few courses, and exchange our silverware between courses! And there were SO many courses! Glad they were smaller portions cuz otherwise I would have been WAY too stuffed. After each course I thought the next would be the last but no. It was a 5-6 course meal I'd you count dessert or not.

Robbie, Me & Jon
I sat between Jon and Robbie. Such gentlemen! Lol they'd get up when I returned from the bathroom, and push my chair in. At the end, Jon put my coat on me and Robbie held my purse lol. Fun night. Auntie Margo and Auntie Lily were a bit tipsy/drunk. They were really funny.

You had to be there lol

The first course was two fried shrimp and taro I believe with a small salad

2nd course- seafood bisque in a coconut w/ a puff pastry

3rd- ginger lobsters over glass noodles and a little salad

4th- quail stuffed w/ sticky rice in a noodle bowl and two 2 quail eggs

5th- parchment seabass w/ a few veggies, w/ fried rice
 Somehow, despite all this food, I also ended up eating robbie's asparagus, and finishing some of jon & robbie's desserts haha. not sure how that works... I always seem to finish robbie's food :).

My dessert: peach mousse w/ strawberry coulis!
Very nice and light

Jon's Blood Orange Tangerine Cheesecake

Robbie's Triple Chocolate Cake
I was content after the 3rd/4th course but I got some second winds or something! I was done with my dessert after 1/2 of it, but I somehow finished it cuz it was good. Then jon and Robbie were full of theirs so I helped them! My dessert was the lightest, then robbie's, then Jon's was the most dense. They were all delicious, in very different ways. Robbie's chocolate cake had a full, deep, rich chocolate taste, and Jon's had a tangy, sweet, dense feel to it. I'm surprise I wasn't more stuffed because I ate sooo much but hey i'm not complaining :). It was so good. What a fun 4 hours!

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