Thursday, January 28, 2010


Friday night, my family and I to Tomodachi's for dinner to celebrate Mason's completion of finals, and my last day at home! It was bittersweet. Mom and dad got me the book "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. I can't wait to read it!

Well, this was the first time I've had Japanese in a while. It was so yummy. We had edamame, tea, miso soup, a white roll (?)-- I think it was shrimp tempura with avocado and crab meat wrapped in seaweed.

 Hamachi don
Mom and I each got a hamachi don, mason got a salmon one, and dad got the cherashi don (variety). 


Dad :)

Then for dessert, we shared a banana dessert with chocolate ice cream-- dad's favorite!

This was a delicious meal. Thanks family!

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