Friday, January 8, 2010


So these past few two days I haven't been able to write because I've been busy working at College Prep (my high school) all day long. I was there Wednesday afternoon from 1 pm to 8:30 pm, yesterday from 8 am (actually 7:55, but who's counting?) till 5:45, and today from 8 am to 4. phewww. I'm glad I can help the school. The days are long, but very productive. And I get penelope's (she's the faculty chef) lunch! It's strange eating in the faculty kitchen with the teachers because just a few months ago I was their student, and rarely went in there. I ran into so many of my former teachers today like Jonna, Dr. Munro, Ms. Swerdlow, Dr. Jay, Julie, etc. It was really nice catching up with them. I'm supposed to finish making my dish for the potluck now, so i'll finish writing this soon! :)

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