Friday, January 22, 2010

Cooking Lesson with Lao-Lao!

On Monday, mom and I went down to visit Lao-Lao & Lao-Yeh. I asked Lao-Lao to teach me a few of her chinese recipes since she is such an incredible cook! She taught me how to make my favorite Chinese tomato and egg dish, Ma Po Do Fu (spicy tofu dish) and zucchini with garlic!

Lao-Lao chopping ingredients

Lao-Lao & Me

Ma Po Do Fu

Tomato & Eggs
(I learned how to make them nice and fluffy-- stir lots of air in when you whisk the eggs with a fork!)
Us with our dishes :)

Our creations!
Thank you so much Lao-Lao for teaching me how to cook these dishes. I had so much fun! I can't wait to see you in spring break and learn to make more dishes from you :)

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