Friday, June 4, 2010

Finally blogging again!

So, it's been a little over 4 months since I last blogged! Life kind of got in the way, with school and all, but now that it's summer, I hope to blog again. Summer's been pretty fun so far. During the week I intern at Butter Cream Bakery in Albany and work at CPS in the alumni office, then on the weekends chill with friends.

It's really nice when my friends visit me! Florence and Elaine drove up all the way from San Jose to visit me a few weeks ago, and Kerri, Jon, Robbie and Stephanie came this week. It's really fun working there.

 Florence and Me at Butter Cream!

So far i've made... sourcream coffee cakes, apple cakes, blueberry and apple muffins, spinach and ham quiches, sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, decorating cup cakes and pastries, lemon bars, croissant dough, sugar cookies, etc.

This week I used the cash register for the first time and waited on people! It's really exciting. The best part is that everything I'm learning is helping me fine-tune my plans to open a One World Bakery or Cafe after college! I hope to bring people together and bridge cultures through my business and everyday I get even more excited!

Last weekend, Jon, Robbie, Kerri and I went to Stinson beach! First time going to the beach since last year (loooong time ago). 

 (robbie suddenly picked me up for this one...)

In addition to baking up a storm (or rolling in dough as some of my friends have said... ha ha), I've been cooking a lot, too, recently! On Mondays, Trudy, our chef teaches me how to cook dishes, and on the weekends, Lao-Lao teaches me how to make Chinese dishes when we go to down to visit her. So far, she's taught me how to make my favorite dishes: Tomato and eggs, zucchini, eggplant, etc. I also made an asian tilapia dish which I thought of in my head. 

Lunch last weekend with Lao-Lao, Lao-Ye and Mom

I made an Italian Cabbage Casserole (which I've never seen/made/or had before) on Monday from a recipe I found, which Jos, Mom and I had for dinner! Jos came up to visit us on her road trip from LA :). I'm glad dinner was such a hit. By the end of dinner, there was only 1/3 left. I also made an avocado & Mandarin Orange Salad, and fruit salad. We also had Do-Fu Hua for dessert too.

 My Italian Cabbage Casserole!

Jos came to visit me on Monday!

More updates soon :)